Hi there, coder! This article provides you with 10+ HTML and CSS projects with source code. To help you learn and practice more, we have included short projects in HTML and CSS with source code. Developers working with HTML and CSS will find this article useful.

They will become skilled developers and expand their skill set in HTML and CSS with the help of this article. We’ll be sharing over ten HTML and CSS projects in this article to help developers get real-world project experience.

10+ HTML CSS Projects With Source Code

This post’ll give you the best HTML and CSS starter projects that go up to advanced projects.
All of his notions will be clear to anyone who practices these initiatives. As a result, they will gain relevant skills that are in demand and help them obtain jobs. Developers gain directly from this in terms of improving their skills.

List of Projects

Name of projectCoding language used
Parallax webpageHTML, CSS
Parallax webpageHTML, CSS
User profile cardHTML, CSS
Instagram home page clone HTML, CSS
App for Language TranslationHTML,CSS(SCSS),JAVASCRIPT
Website for a Gym (+2 More)HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT

Survey Form

HTML CSS Projects With Source Code

Enter Data Basically, the only requirement for the survey form is HTML. With this project, you gain experience with HTML input features such as text-area fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, file uploads, date pick-up input, input validation without needing JavaScript, and many more.

To enable users to communicate with the website owner, a form is necessary for every website, hence creating one requires knowledge of this. For beginners, this HTML CSS project is the greatest.

See the Pen Build a Survey Form – Responsive Web Design Projects by Gregg (@gregg50) on CodePen.

Parallax webpage

HTML CSS Projects With Source Code

The website background moves more slowly than the foreground thanks to the parallax scrolling technique in web design. A three-dimensional effect that adds depth and ups the browsing experience appears when users scroll down the website.

You will learn a lot from this project, including the properties of scroll and background pictures. The HTML CSS Project is responsible for the website’s 3D scrolling.

See the Pen Parallax website source code by ankit (@celebstori) on CodePen.

User profile card

HTML CSS Projects With Source Code

Every website we visit has a card, however, it could be an information card with a brief description or an invitation card.You will thus learn how to make a basic kind of card in this project and also enhance it using CSS. You can use this HTML CSS project for your portfolio.

See the Pen User Profile Card by ankit (@celebstori) on CodePen.

Dynamic JS Quiz

HTML CSS Projects With Source Code

In essence, it’s a JavaScript project, however, the design could be created using just HTML and CSS, leaving out any functionality. If you want to include a quiz option, the project rating will be removed. You will learn about radio buttons and how to add content with JavaScript by working on this project.

See the Pen Dynamic JS Quiz by Gary Carino (@gcarino) on CodePen.

Landing Page

HTML CSS Projects With Source Code

A page that a user reaches after clicking on a specifically targeted hyperlink is known as a landing page. A landing page is a different page from the website’s homepage or any other page.It only accomplishes the exact purpose for which it was created, which may include selling or advertising a product or suggesting a service to your visitor. We’ve included a link to a Codepen landing page below for your convenience.

See the Pen Travel by Katherine Kato (@kathykato) on CodePen.

Instagram Homepage Clone

HTML - CSS project ideas by Code With Random

In this project, the Instagram home page clone is very noticeable. Even if it’s not responsive, this project is still among the best for someone familiar with HTML and CSS.

This is an advanced-level project for HTML/CSS developers since it teaches you a lot of skills, such as how to use grids, flexbox, positioning, hover effects, 3D effects, and section dividing, among many other things. Adding backend functionality to a basic front-end project allows it to grow into a full-stack project. You must have a full-stack clone website for your portfolio.

See the Pen instagram clone by Kolade Olusola (@The-Accolade) on CodePen.

Online Store

An e-commerce store is a virtual mall or online marketplace where consumers may use a mobile device to buy and sell goods at their convenience. E-commerce is a type of personal shopping portal designed for any individual to purchase any kind of goods.

See the Pen Ecommerce Website – HTML, CSS & JavaScript (Home_Page) by Sunil Pradhan (@Sunil_Pradhan) on CodePen.

App for Language Translation

HTML - CSS project ideas by Code With Random

A language translator is a program that can translate text into several languages, such as Hindi, Nepali, Spanish, and others. Users may quickly translate text into several languages, copy translated text, and convert text to speech with my language translation software. It is comparable to Google Translate.

See the Pen Mini Language Translator by Farid Vatani (@faridvatani) on CodePen.

Website for a Gym

HTML - CSS project ideas by Code With Random

A gym website is a customized online presence created to assist gym owners in showcasing the excellence of their facility to the greatest number of visitors.A personal trainer can show multiple people the layout of the gym at once and provide information on timetables and prices for the facility.

See the Pen Gym Website Landing Page UI Design HTML CSS by programmercloud (@programmercloud) on CodePen.

Website for Personal Portfolio

HTML - CSS project ideas by Code With Random

A developer can use a personal portfolio website as a digital CV to highlight their abilities, accomplishments, and prior client experience. One of the best ways for developers to connect with several recruiters simultaneously is through a portfolio website.

See the Pen Personal Portfolio Website by ankit (@celebstori) on CodePen.

Interactive Tab Bar

HTML - CSS project ideas by Code With Random

The website’s animated tab bar is a special kind of navigation bar that is fixed at the bottom portion and makes it simple for visitors to use the mouse wheel to move between sections. The user can access it with remarkable ease.

See the Pen Animated Tab Bar by abxlfazl khxrshidi (@abxlfazl) on CodePen.


How can I test my projects?

You can utilize links where you can publish about your projects and share them with your connections, or you can email the links of your projects to your family and friends, get their opinion, and try to make adjustments.

Are these projects suitable for beginners in HTML and CSS?

Discover if the “10 HTML CSS Projects With Source Code” collection is beginner-friendly. Learn about the complexity levels, step-by-step guides, and any prerequisites to help gauge if these projects align with your current skill set.

How can these projects benefit my HTML and CSS skills?

Understand the educational and practical benefits of working on these projects. Whether it’s improving your understanding of responsive design, mastering CSS animations, or refining your HTML structure, find out how these projects can elevate your web development skills.


To sum up, starting the path of finishing ten HTML CSS projects from scratch with source code has been fruitful and instructive. Through these projects, we have developed our understanding of the complexities of web development and honed our HTML and CSS skills to produce websites that are both aesthetically pleasing and useful.

Every endeavour has brought new difficulties that have encouraged creativity and problem-solving abilities. We’ve investigated the many options that HTML and CSS provide for creating dynamic and captivating web content, from developing responsive layouts to putting fashionable designs into practice.

Beyond the technical aspects, our initiative has yielded insightful knowledge about code structuring, web development best practices, and project organization. Anyone wishing to expand their skill set or pursue a career in front-end development will benefit greatly from the practical experience obtained from these projects.

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HTML Projects,

Last Update: December 4, 2023