A dramatic change has occurred in the world of digital advertising, and Prebid, an open-source suite of tools that enables publishers to maximise their programmatic advertising strategies, is at the vanguard of this change. This thorough book explores the features, advantages, and installation procedures of Prebid, giving you the information you need to fully use it.

Breaking Down Prebid: A Novel Method of Header Bidding

Prebid is a ground-breaking technology created to simplify header bidding, a method by which publishers concurrently offer their ad inventory to several demand sources, therefore promoting real-time competition. With greater yields and more effective ad placements for advertisers, this strategy has completely changed the way publishers monetise their digital assets.

Fundamentally, Prebid is an auctioning technology that makes selling ad inventory a just and open process possible. The Prebid-integrated mobile app or website of a publisher sends out a number of bid requests to supply-side platforms (SSPs), demand-side platforms (DSPs), and ad exchanges. These partners answer by bidding, stating the highest amount they are prepared to pay in real time for the ad impression.

Prebid then compiles all of the offers and holds an auction to decide which is the highest. A smooth advertising experience for the user is ensured by the demand partner with the winning bid obtaining the rights to show their ad creative.

A Whole Range of Solutions: The Prebid Ecosystem

Prebid is a holistic ecosystem of parts designed to meet the many needs of publishers across different platforms and contexts, not a single product.

The Foundation of Web-based Header Bidding is Prebid.js

The main JavaScript library of the Prebid suite, Prebid.js, is made especially for web-based settings. With this potent technology, publishers can easily include header bidding into their websites and solicit bids from several demand sources at once.

Prebid.js starts the bidding process when a user accesses a webpage that is integrated with it, gathering real-time bids from several demand partners. The publisher’s ad server receives the highest bid, which guarantees the user sees the winning ad creative.

Prebid Server: Dispensing the Work for Maximum Efficiency

Prebid provides Prebid.js as well as Prebid Server, a server-side solution. Reduced latency and faster page loads are achieved by this component moving the header bidding auction process from the user’s browser to a dedicated server.

Prebid Server lets publishers do header bidding in settings like mobile apps and other non-web platforms where client-side integrations might not be appropriate by offloading the processing work. With this flexibility, publishers can provide a smooth user experience and optimise their ad revenue across several platforms.

Prebid Mobile: Revealing the Promise of In-App Advertising

Prebid Mobile is, as its name implies, a customised solution that lets developers of mobile apps include header bidding into their apps. Including banners, interstitials, and native adverts, this extensive SDK (Software Development Kit) guarantees users a consistent and interesting advertising experience.

Developers can increase competition and raise CPMs (cost per thousand impressions) for their in-app ad inventory by using Prebid Mobile to access the large pool of demand partners.

Maximising Income from Video Ad Inventory using Prebid Video

Publishers now have a profitable chance in the always changing digital market with video advertising. As a Prebid.js addon, Prebid Video specialises on video ad units, allowing publishers to include header bidding for video advertising and optimise their income potential.

Prebid Video allows publishers to boost demand partners’ competition for their video inventory, which raises CPM bids and expands revenue prospects.

Prebid’s Many Advantages

With so many advantages that enable publishers to maximise their monetization methods, Prebid has had an unquestionable revolutionary effect on the programmatic advertising market.

Potentially Higher Ad Revenue

Prebid promotes a very competitive atmosphere by allowing several demand partners to bid on each ad impression at the same time. better bid prices brought on by this heightened competition mean better ad income for publishers. Prebid reveals a publisher’s actual ad inventory worth by guaranteeing that every ad slot is sold at the highest feasible price.

Ad Inventory Transparency and Control

The open-source character of Prebid is typified by its transparency to publishers. Publishers can learn so much about the bidding process—including which demand partners are bidding and at what price—with Prebid. With such degree of visibility, publishers are able to decide with knowledge about their ad inventory, pricing plans, and general monetization strategy.

Get Access to a Wide Variety of Advertising Formats

Prebid is more flexible than simple display ads; it supports video, native, mobile web, and in-app ads among other ad types. This adaptability guarantees publishers to successfully sell their varied ad inventory across several platforms and devices, meeting the always changing needs of both users and advertisers.

Testing and Debugging Resources

Understanding that programmatic advertising is complex, Prebid offers publishers a full range of materials and tools for testing, debugging, and troubleshooting. Through the simplification of the advertising client management process, these tools guarantee a smooth and effective marketing experience for all parties involved.

A faster and more effective ad serving

Prebid greatly lowers latency, which leads to quicker page loads and a better user experience by reducing the necessity for several ad requests and enabling real-time bidding. Faster load times are an important ranking element, so this efficiency not only raises user pleasure but also raises search engine optimisation (SEO) rankings.

Openness and Modality

Prebid is an open-source solution that gives publishers unmatched freedom and openness so they may customise it to meet their own requirements. By encouraging a community-driven approach to growth and problem-solving, this openness makes sure Prebid stays at the forefront of innovation in the programmatic advertising sector.

Rational Economics

Prebid takes a more sensible economic tack than more conventional ad-serving techniques. Prebid guarantees that the highest bidder receives every impression by letting all demand sources to bid concurrently. This results in a more effective distribution of ad inventory and maximises income potential for publishers.

The Complete Guide to Prebid Implementation

Prebid implementation on your website or platform is a multi-step procedure that calls for meticulous preparation and carrying out. This thorough handbook will get you started:

Select the Right Prebid Wrapper First

Selecting the right wrapper or container is the first step in using Prebid. Prebid provides many choices, all with special characteristics and advantages.

Over 300 demand sources and 50 analytics adapters are supported by the JavaScript library Prebid.js, the original and most popular Prebid wrapper, which runs on the publisher’s website. Because Prebid.js is executed client-side, it may add some latency to the page load time even though it is simple to install and customise.

Contrarily, Prebid Server is a cloud-hosted server-side version of Prebid.js that replaces the publisher’s website. Because much of the auction logic is moved to the server, this method enhances user experience and reduces latency. But it needs professional installation and configuration, plus extra costs for bandwidth and hosting.

An other option is Prebid SDK, a software development kit that lets publishers include header bidding into their mobile apps. Though flexible and able to handle auctions on both the client and server sides, Prebid SDK needs to be approved and well-known.

Second Step: Prebid Wrapper Integration

Real-time bidding can only be enabled by integrating your selected Prebid wrapper into the ad tags on your website. If you use Prebid.js, for instance, you must download, edit, and then include the Prebid.js code snippet to your webpage. This code snippet loads and automatically initialises the Prebid.js file from your server or content delivery network (CDN).

Get Advertiser Bids in Step 3

The “pbjs.requestBids” function allows you to ask bids from bidders now that the Prebid wrapper is incorporated. Sending requests to every bidder listed in your ad units, this function will gather their answers within a predetermined timeframe.

The array “adUnits,” which has one or more objects defining each ad unit on your website, must now be created. Both a “code” property that uniquely identifies each ad unit object on your page and a “media types” property that lists the kinds of advertising (banner, video, native, etc.) that it can accept are included in each one.

A “bids” field of each ad unit object also contains an array of objects that define each bidder for that ad unit. Along with additional properties particular to each bidder’s needs (like placement ID, publication ID, and so on), each bidder object contains a “bidder” field that corresponds to the name of the adapter module for that bidder in Prebid.js.

By including their bidder adapters into the Prebid wrapper, you may add demand partners as necessary and let brands take part in the unified auction.

Set Up Price Floors, Step 4

To guarantee the higher bidder wins every impression, you should next set price floors. Prebid provides two methods for establishing price floors: either by applying your own logic or by utilising a third-party vendor that can give floors that are optimised using algorithms and statistics.

You can use any data source or criterion that you have access to or like, and you have complete control over how price floors are computed and applied when you establish your own logic. This strategy, meantime, calls for a great deal of time and energy in addition to technical know-how, particularly a thorough grasp of header bidding.

An other set of difficulties arises when one uses a third-party provider that specialises in offering data-driven optimised flooring. Build the Prebid.js package with the Price Floors Module and the vendor’s adaptor included in this configuration. This is best accomplished by adding “priceFloors” and “floors[ProviderName]” (where “ProviderName” is the name of the vendor’s adapter) to the “gulp build” command’s module list.

Depending on your particular requirements, you can configure the relevant modules with your desired settings either globally or by ad unit after they have been merged.

Testing and Optimisation, Step 5

To be sure Prebid is operating as intended, your system must be carefully tested and optimised. To determine how well your pilot programme worked, track your revenue both before and after it is put into place. Effective implementations ought to soon result in meaningful revenue increases for big platforms.

Should you run across any difficulties along the way, think about getting help from experts in ad operations who can walk you through the implementation and optimisation stages.

Examining the Differences Between Prebid and Post Bid

Although Prebid is the most often used header bidding strategy, Post-bid has also become more popular recently as a substitute. For publishers hoping to optimise their ad income potential, knowing the differences between these two approaches is essential.

Bid ahead


  • Enables several ad exchanges to concurrently bid on ad inventory, hence increasing competition and income potential.
  • Allows publishers to run their own auctions and establish their own regulations, therefore providing them greater transparency and control.
  • Useable for free; no platform costs.

Points against:

  • Setup and management call significant technical expertise, which can take some time.
  • Maybe less scalable than alternative ad-serving options, particularly for big publications with a lot of traffic.
  • Requires keeping up contacts with several ad exchanges, which might be difficult.
  • Submit Bid


  • Provides faster page loads because the ad server manages all ad calls.
  • For some publishers, especially those with current connections with particular ad servers, it is easier to adopt.

A drawback is

  • could bring in less money than Prebid because the bidding isn’t done in real time.
  • Less competitive since the highest bid for every impression is not always guaranteed.
  • A Strategy Comparison of Prebid and Waterfall
  • Two different approaches for controlling and selling ad inventory are prebid and waterfall, each with its own workings and effects.


  • Boosts rivalry, which could raise ad income.
  • Provides publishers greater control and transparency.
  • guarantees the highest bidder to receive the impression, therefore increasing the value of every advertising space.
  • enables simple ad performance tracking by means of analytics adapter integration.

Points against:

  • Setup and management call require technical expertise.
  • Maybe time-consuming to maintain, particularly for publishers with a lot of traffic.
  • Demands connections with several ad exchanges, which can be difficult to handle.



  • Implementation and management easier than with Prebid.
  • Known and conventional techniques for numerous publications.

A drawback is

  • Since it does not use real-time bidding, often yields less money than Prebid.
  • Not as competitive as its Prebid relative.
  • Maybe cause latency problems because every demand partner is called one after the other.
  • Header vs Prebid Bidding: Dissecting the Difference
  • Though they are sometimes used synonymously, header bidding and prebid differ in a small but important way.


Prebid is a name of a particular open-source header bidding software. With this structure, publishers can include several demand partners into the auction process for their ad inventory. Popular Prebid.js solution simplifies header bidding setting on websites and mobile apps.

In Header Bidding

A wider name for the general process of simultaneously providing ad inventory to several demand partners before calling ad servers is header bidding. Using real-time competition, this method seeks to maximise revenue in contrast to conventional waterfall bidding.

Programmatic and Prebid Advertising’s Future

Prebid is well-positioned to become more and more important in influencing the direction of this ever-changing programmatic advertising market.

Role of Mobile Advertising

With 7.41 billion smartphones owned worldwide, mobile advertising is predicted to take the stage in programmatic advertising initiatives in the next months. Because Prebid is so flexible and supports many platforms, publishers looking to take advantage of this growing industry will find it to be the perfect option.

More Header Bidding Adoption

Header bidding is predicted to become the standard programmatic advertising strategy as long as publishers and advertisers keep realising its advantages. Prebid is suited to satisfy the changing demands of the market with its cutting-edge solutions, which include Prebid Video and Prebid Identity.

Interaction with several demand partners and sources of bids

Publishers are probably going to interact concurrently with several demand partners and bid sources in order to optimise ad revenue. Prebid is well-positioned to tackle the need that this trend will bring about for ad allocation systems to become more cross-functional and effective.

Optimising Prebid Performance: Rationale and Recommended Procedures

Maximising the performance of Prebid and enjoying the full advantages of header bidding need optimising your setup. Here are some doable advices and industry standards to improve your Prebid experience:

Stay Current with Prebid

Update Prebid to the most recent version often to benefit from new functionality, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. Keeping current guarantees that your implementation will continue to be effective and compliant with the most recent industry requirements.

Ad Unit and Size Optimisation

To determine which ad unit and ad size combinations work best for your website or app, experiment. Examine user behaviour and modify the quantity and locations of ad units to balance user experience and ad revenue.

Set Up Lazy Loading

Ads should load slowly, not all at once, by incorporating lazy loading strategies. With content-heavy pages in particular, this method improves user experience and speeds up the first page load.

Get the Right Timeout Settings

Set bid response timeout settings to avoid lengthy waits for demand partners who are slow or unresponsive. Setting timeouts in balance guarantees that, should one demand partner become unresponsive, Prebid swiftly goes on to the next.

See Performance Measures

Ad fill rates, CPMs, and ad delay are just a few of the important performance indicators that should be regularly monitored. Examine the information to spot patterns, make best use of underperforming ad units, and decide how to raise Prebid performance generally.

Header Bidding Mediation

Diversify demand sources by combining Prebid with other header bidding systems via mediation. Mediated header bidding can boost demand partner competitiveness and assist close ad inventory gaps. Make the most

Make the Most of Ad Layout and Style

Think about how to arrange and style your ad placements so that consumers find them to be both visually pleasing and discreet. Higher user engagement and greater performance are results of well-integrated and user-friendly ad settings.

Evaluate and Set Demand Partner Priority

Try out several demand partner priority settings to determine the best order in which to submit ad requests. First opportunity to bid for higher priority partners can affect total revenue. Analyse performance often to optimise the priority settings.

Encouraging the Future of Programmatic Advertising

Prebid has changed the way publishers approach programmatic advertising and is a game-changer in the always changing digital advertising scene. Prebid gives publishers the flexibility, open-source, and transparent solution they need to take charge of their ad inventory and optimise their revenue potential.

The market will only continue to need solutions like Prebid as header bidding and real-time bidding become more and more common. Early adopters of this cutting edge technology will be in a good position to keep ahead of the curve and take advantage of the chances offered by the dynamic advertising landscape.

It is crucial to understand, meanwhile, that Prebid implementation can be a difficult and resource-intensive procedure, particularly for publishers without specialised technical knowledge. Under such circumstances, working with seasoned managed service providers or ad operations experts can be quite beneficial in guaranteeing a smooth integration and continuous improvement of your Prebid configuration.

Whatever strategy you take, one thing is for sure: Prebid is the way programmatic advertising will go, and publishers who want to succeed in the digital era must embrace this ground-breaking solution.

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Last Update: May 19, 2024